Meet the Social Media Platforms and Share a Cookie

This infographic is to help you understand what makes Twitter different than LinkedIn and also show you how to create content that is appropriate for each one.  The example here is how to share a cookie on Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Houzz.


It’s hard to understand how a post on Facebook is different from Google+, or how a pin on Pinterest is going to elicit a different response than a photo on Instagram, but each social media platform has a unique audience and fills a niche in a different way.  After all, if they were all the same, we wouldn’t have a need for so many!  This infographic is to help you understand what makes Twitter different than LinkedIn and also show you how to create content that is appropriate for each one.  The example here is how to share a cookie on Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Houzz.


1 thought on “Meet the Social Media Platforms and Share a Cookie

  1. Pingback: An F.A.Q. on Twitter Best Practices in a Social Media Marketing Strategy | Chicadita

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